Yoga postures names and pictures

Yoga postures names and pictures

Ananda Surya
Ananda Surya

La garza – Krounchasana

En primer lugar, me encanta esta baraja. Viene en una bonita bolsa de tela que también puede servir como bolsa flexible para tus cartas (si por alguna razón no te apetece guardarlas en la caja). Las cartas son un poco más largas que las de tamaño normal, pero son manejables, sobre todo para los que tenemos las manos pequeñas.

La razón principal por la que compré esta baraja es porque me ENCANTA la representación inclusiva. La siguiente razón principal es porque el contenido de las cartas es amigable para los yoguis. Cada tarjeta contiene el sánscrito, la pronunciación, los beneficios, las modificaciones, y el lenguaje sencillo pasos para entrar en la pose. Ojalá hubiera tenido esto durante mi formación como profesora de yoga, ¡pero me alegro de tenerlo ahora!

Mi novia estaba tan agradecida por este impresionante regalo inesperado que superó todas las expectativas, ya que no estaba segura de lo que significaba Black Girl Yoga. Estaba muy emocionada porque quería hacer yoga y se dio cuenta de que esto la ayudaría a empezar. Shakira, gracias por hacer un conjunto tan hermoso de tarjetas que se pueden compartir y utilizar para empoderar.

Mi baraja de yoga fue enviada rápidamente. Y al recibirla, todo lo que pude decir fue ¡¡¡WOW!!! ¡¡¡Esta baraja es INCREIBLE!!! ¡La forma en que la información está organizada es increíblemente creativa e imaginativa! Me encanta la organización por colores, lo que facilita encontrar lo que necesito. Y la información en el reverso de la tarjeta me da información vital para la pose. ¡Estoy muy contenta de ver la cantidad de calidad de pensamiento y mano de obra que se puso en esta magnífica cubierta!

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This article was co-written by Caitlin Downey. Caitlin Downey is a registered yoga teacher at Yoga Therapy in Burlington, Vermont. She has over 200 hours of experience as a certified yoga instructor since 2014, and has over 600 hours of training as a Phoenix Rising certified yoga therapist.

This article was co-written by Caitlin Downey. Caitlin Downey is a registered yoga teacher at Yoga Therapy in Burlington, Vermont. She has over 200 hours of experience as a certified yoga instructor since 2014, and has over 600 hours of training as a Phoenix Rising certified yoga therapist.


Illustration: Africa PitarchSetu Bandha Sarvangasana (or bridge pose) «Facilitates the strength of the back and opening of the front, so it helps to compensate the effect of gravity and that we do not curve forward. At the same time, it is an opening of the hips that facilitates the fluidity of movements in our actions and an opening of the heart, developing affection for others,» explains the expert. In addition, this asana can be combined with Matsyasana or fish pose, with which we will obtain «a profound effect on the throat and neck, facilitating communication and opening what is known as the mouth of God, which is the receiving center of energy that is distributed throughout the body».Supta Badakonasana or hip opening

Illustration: Africa PitarchSupta Badakonasana (or hip opening) «With the arms stretched above the head, this posture relaxes the chest and hips, and opens what is known as the minor chakras,» says Jordi Canela. As a result, it will bring us «a deep relaxation, facilitating an awareness of openness and developing an intelligence of the favorable environment».Most viewedApanasana or knees to chest


Together with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika it forms an indispensable trilogy for yoga scholars. The techniques it expounds are the basis for many contemporary yoga practices.

«By learning the alphabet, with practice, all sciences can be mastered; likewise, by first mastering Hatha Yoga one acquires in the end the knowledge of truth that frees the soul from bondage.»

«According to deeds, good or bad, the bodies of all living beings are produced, and the bodies give rise to actions (karma leading to rebirth). In this way, the cycle repeats itself like the continuous turning of the wheel of a water mill».

Purification (kriya): is acquired with the regular practice of the six kriyas, which are purification practices including nasal cleansing or cleansing of the gastro-intestinal tract.

About the author: Nona Rubio is a contributor to Sociedad Geográfica de las Indias. She is passionate about traveling and tells us stories that speak of a vast country with which you have to be patient if you want to know it from the inside. For more information: [About us]

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