Best books about yoga philosophy

Best books about yoga philosophy

Ananda Surya
Ananda Surya


Para principiantes is a series of books in a hybrid format between comics and historical-journalistic essays on various topics, authors of literature, philosophy, psychology, history, cultural movements, and to a lesser extent, science. Also defined as «illustrated documentaries»,[1] «popularization books»[2] or «graphic guides»[3].

This division into two distinct series is due to a break that occurred in the early 1990s when Appignanesi joined Icon Books as co-founder, leaving the Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative, which he founded together with Glenn Thompson. He continued to publish the «For Beginners» series in the United States under the Writers and Readers Inc. imprint.

Since 1997, there have been own publications, i.e., written by Spanish speakers and not only translations of the English version.[8] These publications, of Spanish American origin, are in turn translated into other languages.

Beginners are not fictional comics but the final result of documentation work based on real facts. Each author has begun with a serious investigation; he has contextualized the life and contributions of his character, giving then to the narration a clear didactic sense. [1995][4]


«The new-generation spas have everything to create personalized programs that help achieve specific goals,» says Camins, «The union of specific equipment to work at the cellular level and reach where the hands can not, the oxygen chamber, cryotherapy … and also without forgetting the manual therapy,» he says.

«Wellness retreats become an opportunity to take a break and reflect on our daily lives, reconnect emotionally, recover energy, and take perspective on our lives,» says psychologist Elena Palacio van Isschot.

«They are a resource that can favor mental health, as long as a quality service is offered, with qualified professionals and accredited experience,» she points out. In order to choose a retreat that is worthwhile, it is important to find out what kind of practices it offers, how long they have been developed, and whether their therapeutic efficacy has been demonstrated. In addition, it is important to ask ourselves if its philosophy is aligned with our values,» advises the specialist.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Spanish Trailer)

Is there a limit to knowledge? Is one’s life integrated in the pattern of the stars? Esotericism is the study of the Initiate who seeks to know the hidden mysteries of nature and science; thus leading to inner knowledge.

The mathematical mysteries and complexities that reside infinitely in the construction of matter and nature allow man to witness the hidden beauty of life. The empirical nature of these Sciences inspires one to seek the patterns within and without. To find Truth one must employ the aid of reason and logic.

The penalization of Humanity’s existence must never be met with indifference. The rise and fall of civilization and those who existed before us allows us to create a bridge to our future. Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat their mistakes.

Natural Science is a systematic exploration of the principles that shape the totality of creation in symmetry and order. The study of these laws, which govern the Universe, enables the Seeker to better understand himself.


Yoga is a science left to us by the sages of India. The term Yoga literally means «to unite», and its meaning, originally, was similar to the Latin root of the term religion, which means «to unite again». Therefore, Yoga and spirituality have the same purpose: to link and unite us to the Divinity.

However, there is no disharmony between the Gita and the Yoga-sutras. For example, both Krishna and Patanjali indicate that we must transcend all misconceptions related to the «I» and develop love for God, which Patanjali calls Ishvara-pranidhana («Dedication to God»).

The Bhagavad-gita discusses the eight steps of Raja-yoga, the form of Yoga popularized today as Ashtanga yoga or Hatha yoga. For example, Yama, the first step, consists of five ethical principles: truthfulness, continence, non-violence, absence of greed and refraining from theft. These fundamental disciplines of Yoga are mentioned in the Gita; it also deals with Niyama, the second step, which consists of worship, cleanliness, contentment, austerity and inner reflection.

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